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Signs of Release and Communication in Horses

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Releases and Communication

Horses communicate and show signs of release with small subtle expressions or movements.  Some will show big things like shifting the back end, yawning, licking and chewing, sighing or blowing or giving a whole body shake or even wanting to lay down and roll, and other stoic horses will only show a lip quiver, a sleepy demeanor, or not show anything at all until you are out of their space.  


This mare became so relaxed that she relaxed her TMJ, Hyoid apparatus and her jaw where she was holding a lot of tension.


Are you giving your horse time to make the right choice?

Here I give this new training horse a get ready command so she knows to pay attention and then I move slowly over a course of seconds to help her decide to move laterally. Its easy to just start tapping your horse until they move but that comes with the danger of making them dull. Just the ask or cue from a distance is enough for her to say....ok this is my choice is this what you wanted. Less is more!!

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